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In the first picture I felt that the photographer could of gotten up a lot closer. The graffiti is hard to see.  The  second picture was very well composed. I like the lighting of the picture, the eye is drawn to the piece.  The next two photos are from flickr, the third picture the framing and exposure are great.  In the  fourth picture, the eye is drawn to the background more than the subject.


Do you think that it’s possible to follow the “rules” of dérive naturally? That is an aimless, all-day walk really possible? (Nick 2)


Yes, I believe that a dérive is possible. The goal of a dérive is to study the environment and if you can, find a place that is unfamiliar to you so there is no emotional attachments. I’ve identified three main rules required for a “successful” dérive, from the article. The first rule, you can go on a dérive on your own. But, going with a group of two or more people is recommended, so that you can have a shared experience. The second rule I’ve identified is to cease any daily routine, so you can focus on the changing enviroment as you move from one place to another. The cancellation of your daily routine allows you to dérive for a couple of hours or, a more extreme duration, for a couple of days.

I go on little adventures (or dérives) when I feel like I need a break from my daily routine or when I want to discovery interesting new things to photograph. Most of the time I just start walking and see where I end up. Other times I use the TriMet system, boarding a bus or max line and  just ride it until I feel like getting off.

Dérives are useful when you need to clear your mind or just to take a break from your daily routines. While on a dérive you may find something new or discover something inspiring, that you may not have found or noticed before!